Meet the CEOs
11. Virpal Singh - How DigitalTolk Grew from 0 to 30 Million SEK in 7 Years through Public Sector and B2B Deals
August 14, 2024
We're joined by Virpal Singh, co-founder and CEO of DigitalTolk.
In this episode, we meet Virpal Singh, co-founder and CEO of DigitalTolk. Virpal started DigitalTolk in 2015 together with Leyla Sarac and helped grow the company from 0 to 30 million SEK in revenue within the first 7 years.

Listen to hear more about:

1/ How Virpal started DigitalTolk during the refugee crisis

2/ Why solving pain points often leads to increased business down the line

3/ Using customer service in self-service solutions

4/ How DigitalTolk grew rapidly through bootstrapping

5/ Continue to grow and succeed with technology

Learn more: ⁠⁠⁠⁠Revenue Journal⁠⁠⁠⁠
Grow revenue faster: ⁠⁠⁠⁠Upsales⁠⁠⁠⁠
Join: ⁠⁠⁠⁠The Executive Network⁠⁠⁠⁠
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Connect with: ⁠⁠⁠⁠Daniel Wikberg


(00:00:00) Introduction of Virpal Singh and DigitalTolk

(00:00:48) Founding DigitalTolk During the 2015 Refugee Crisis

(00:02:00) Identifying the Need for Interpretation Services

(00:03:50) Challenges in the Interpretation Industry and Solutions

(00:06:02) Modernizing Public Sector Services

(00:08:45) Focusing on the Public Sector and Expanding to B2B

(00:12:00) Keys to Success with Public Sector Clients

(00:14:20) Meeting Co-Founder Leila and Her Role

(00:19:02) The Importance of Recognition and Empathy in Interpretation Services

(00:20:27) Efficiency and Profitability in Today’s Market

(00:23:01) Expansion and Investment in AI and New Markets

(00:25:25) Lessons from Company Growth and HR Challenges

(00:28:36) Sources of Inspiration and Success Stories in Bootstrapping

(00:29:09) The Future of DigitalTolk and Potential Improvements

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